Your Musical Child
Inspiring kids to play and sing for keeps.
What makes a child fall in love with learning to play music? How does talent develop? When is the right time to start lessons? Which instrument is the best fit? Why is practice so challenging, and what can parents do to keep kids musically motivated? Where can a parent learn about music programs, camps, books, recordings, and other important resources?
This groundbreaking book answers these questions and many others, serving up healthy portions of insight, humor, research, practical advice, fresh ideas, and heartfelt encouragemnent for making the most of musical development from pregnancy through the elementary years. It provides everything parents need to nurture children so they may begin to discover their own unique voices. If one book can keep kids from quitting, this is it.
By Jessica Baron Turner
"This book will help you find a new relationship with your child, and perhaps, yourself—it's never too late."
—Graham Nash
"The National Association for Music Education (MENC) applauds Ms. Turner's desire, effort, and thoroughness in providing parents with the information, resources, and encouragement to meet their responsibilities, and to play an active role in this important part of their child's development and music education.
—David Circle, president-elect, MENC
"From pregnancy through the elementary years, Turner thoughtfully guides parents through the obstacle course of a child's budding relationship with music.
"She supplies important information on how to recognize musical ability, how to jump-start skills, how to help a child choose an appropriate instrument and even provides some interesting early rhythmic games for the very youngest musicians."
"Music," she writes, "is our musical birthright."
—Santa Cruz Sentinel, May 9th, 2004