No. 318, May/June 2024
Our cover story this issue checks in with violinist Philippe Quint, who is celebrating a milestone birthday with a new commission by Errollyn Wallen and a schedule that’s never been fuller. When he isn’t busy preparing for the piece’s premiere, he’s planning his next recording (of the Wallen concerto and another written for him in 2003 by Lera Auerbach) and performing, at times on a program exploring the lives of famous composers, including Charlie Chaplin. Elsewhere in this issue, you’ll also find three pieces in a special section focusing on sustainability in the string world: how artists and composers are using their work to voice their concerns, changes the music industry is making to reduce its environmental footprint, and the state of violin- and bow-making resources.
Also in this issue:
- Fiddler Louise Bichan releases a gem
- Concert programs explore the complexity of Latin American composition
- Violinist Philippe Graffin does some serious research
- The Neave Trio voyages into uncharted territory
- Vivaldi’s Four Seasons gets a modern twist
And more . . .
New to the store: we are pleased to offer select sheet music related to the stories in this issue.Play the issue