No. 230, June 2014
See Koh Go
Unconventional violinist connects past and present with plenty of plans for the future
Rory Williams
Savior or Charlatan?
Club DJ and composer Mason Bates has put the American symphony scene in a spin
By David Templeton
Songs Set Free
On ‘The Littlest Prisoner,’ violinist Jenny Scheinman reaches out to a new audience
By David Knowles
Special Focus on Alternative Styles
Investing in Change
Electronic-instrument makers bet big on the alt-styles movement
By Patrick Sullivan
3 Ways Alternative Styles Can Revive Your String Program
Feel like you’re in a rut in the classroom? Break out with these three strategies
By Renata Bratt
The Art of Improv
For classical players, borrowing from jazz and bluegrass traditions can provide the first steps toward improvisation and more confident playing
By Louise Lee